“Nothing can dim the light which shines from within.”- Maya Angelou.
The light which shines from within is a feeling that many of us acquire when we finally defeat all types of negativity. It is a feeling of self worth, and a feeling of love that we share for ourselves. There comes a time in your life that you have to realize you won’t always have someone cheering in your corner; you won’t always have someone looking out for your best interest. Many people are waiting for you to let your guard down, so that they can expose your weaknesses. People are slow at understanding who you are as a person, but very quick at taking advantage of your vulnerability. It's amazing the lengths people are willing to go in order to pull ahead or gain a higher status.
Life is a lot like a game. You win some and you lose some. The day that you allow someone to take away who you are as a person you have lost the game.
It is not your job to try and get revenge; it is not your job to try and do what that person is doing to you. It is your job to smile in that person’s face and go on about your day. There’s a difference between smiling in someone’s face because you aren’t fazed by their comments, and smiling in someone’s face and allowing their words to affect how you think about yourself. What you have to remember is that at the end of the day you have to go to sleep with yourself and the next morning wake up with yourself. You have to live your life for you and no one else.
A clown can’t be a clown without an audience. If you don’t give a person the satisfaction of bringing you down, they will get bored and move on to the next person. When this happens, you have to hope for two things: Either that person grows up and sees that nothing good can come from trying to put someone else down, or that the next victim will have the same strength and mind set you had. As long as you love yourself and believe in yourself, no one else can bring you down.
The light which shines from within you should overpower the darkness that is constantly trying to haunt you. When we start to believe this, we will start to see many changes in our lives. Suddenly, the comments that used to bring us down no longer have their power. Suddenly, the authority figures who used their power to spite us no longer have an affect. Suddenly, the light is shining from within.